
Dock Street Marina offers guest moorage and permanent moorage. Moorage at Dock Street Marina includes our signature concierge customer service, complimentary amenities like free showers and many other conveniences to make your stay more enjoyable.

Permanent Moorage

We offer line assistance upon arrival; clean showers and restrooms; slip-side pump outs; and garbage, including haz-mat disposal.

Permanent Moorage Slip Rates

Size / TypePrice
30′ to 39′$14.62 / foot
40’ to 49’$14.89 / foot
50’ plus$17.10 / foot
Pier Ends$21.27 / foot
*Rates are based on the slip length or the boat, whichever is longer.

Monthly Utility Fee: $30 (covers slip-side water, sewer, and garbage/recycling service.) Electricity is metered at each slip.

Guest Moorage

Guest moorage is available year round for individual boaters as well as yacht clubs. We offer line assistance upon arrival, clean showers and restrooms, slip-side pump outs, and garbage/recycling service. Hourly moorage MAY be available, $20 for up to a 4 hour stay.

Please call to confirm before showing up.

Guest Moorage Slip Rates

Size / TypePrice: Apr – SeptPrice: Oct – Mar
59’ and under$1.75 / foot / night$1.50 / foot / night
60’ and over$2.00 / foot / night$1.75 / foot / night
30 amp power$5.00 / night$5.00 / night
50 amp power$10.00 / night$10.00 / night
100 amp power$50.00 / night$50.00 / night
Slip-side pumpouts$5.00 / tank